Friday, September 9, 2011

Brutus-ACT I

How do you feel about Brutus in ACT I? Provide some characteristics that you feel he exhibits. Are you like Brutus in anyway? What about Cassius? If you had to guess which one of these men would be the leader of the conspiracy against Ceasar, which one would you chose and why? Be sure to provide evidence from the ACT (specific lines) to justify your opinions.


Jennifer Bentley said...

This is an example comment.

Anonymous said...

Joshua Tedder
Brutus seems easily persuaded. Cassius easily persuaded Brutus by saying people have been talking about that Brutus should be higher than Caesar and is better than Caesar which makes Brutus feel big. I am not easily persuaded so I have nothing in common with Brutus. I am not good at persuading people with words. Cassius can use his words to get somebody to follow him but I can't. I think Cassius would be the leader because he would be the one to come up with the plan and be able to get more followers.

Anonymous said...

Maggie Smith
I think he is easily persuwaed, Cassius said he was born to be the leader and he should have the crown. I think i kinda am like him because ill like someone for one second and then they will do something i dont like and then i dont like them anymore. Im pretty sure im not like Cassius because i wouldnt persuade someone over my own bias. I think in the end Brutus is going to be the one because Caesar is going to do something that either he dosent agree with or is wrong and he is then going to join Cassius.

Anonymous said...

Brutus seems indesisive thus far, but he wants to make the right desision. he wants to do the right thing, always. Cassius on the other hand, is firm in his innitial desision. he thinks he's right and he is unwielding. I think that i am a bit like both of these characters because i want to do whats right, and at the same time, when i make a desision I am unwielding, i will try to convince others that I'm right. Out of these two characters, I think that Cassius would be the leader, partially because he already is, and partially because he can use just the right words to get people to agree with his point of view.

Anonymous said...

Hailey Newman
Brutus is a character that exibits an uneasy mind set. He can't decide what he wants in life and he doesn't know what to do. Brutus and I are alike in the sence that both of us can't decide on the things we want in life. Cassius is alike with me because we are straight forward people. We don't play around the truth, we deal with it. In the end I think the conspiracy leader against Ceasar will be Cassius because he isn't afraid of Ceasar and he knows he has his weaknesses, but people just have to target them and get them to show through. Lines 90-122

Anonymous said...

Morgan Shumpert
After reading the first two Scenes of Act 1 Brutus is probably my least favorite character because he can not make up his own decision and is going to let Cassius persuade him into doing something he never intended on doing. If I have to make a very important decision I can be indesisive but I try not to be on a regular basis. I think Cassius will be the leader of the conspiracy against Casear because he has already shown in Act 1 that he doesnt agree with the way Casear is ruling and he has been trying to get people, like Brutus, to be on his side so he wont be alone against Casear. Lines 123-131

Anonymous said...

Riley Farmer
Brutus is a very indesisive charecter, he doesnt want to make up his mind about Caesar. For example in lines 79-80 Act I, Scene 2 he fears that Caesar is king but later in line 81 Act I, Scene 2 he states that he loves Caesar. I can be very indesisive at times, but other times I just want to get to the point like Cassius seems to do. I would have to predict that Cassius would become the leader in the end. He seems more of the leader type and I think Brutus just doesnt have to courage to do something like that.

Anonymous said...

Kayla Goodman
Brutus seems to be somewhat weak-minded. He easily allows Cassius to persuade him to consider joining the conspiracy by telling Brutus of times that he [Cassius] had saved Caesar's life. (ACT 1, Scene. 2. II. 111-115. 'Caesar cried "Help me, Cassius, or I sink!"') Cassius also tells Brutus that people have stated that they'd prefer Brutus as their ruler over Caesar. (ACT 1, Scene 2. II.58-62. '...Have wished that noble Brutus had his eyes.') Brutus also seems indecisive, because he can't decide whether he's for or against Caesar. I exhibit traits of both characters. Like Brutus, I'm extremely indecisive, while still wanting to make the right decision. Yet, also like Cassius, I try to manipulate others into believing and doing what I say. I think Cassius will be the leader of the conspiracy, because not only is he quick with his words, but he already has the plan to gather rivals of Caesar together. So, he'll be able to devise a solid plan to uproot Caesar as well.

Anonymous said...

Laken May
I agree with everyone else when saying Brutus is persuaded easily by others, and vindictive Cassius uses this to his advantage in his plans to destroy Caesar. I think I would be more similar to Brutus because I always trust my friends, but I don't think I could do that to the extent of killing someone. I think Cassius will be the leader because of how strong willed and manipulative his is.

Anonymous said...

Hali Wilson
Brutus seems to be a follower becuase he was so easily convinced by Cassius. I would be more like Cassius than Brutus because I am not someone that will beleive anything, I am more of a persuader. I believe that Cassius will be the head conspirator because he seems to be the one who has the biggest grudge against Caesar. Lines 90-122

Anonymous said...

Brutus is going with everthing that everyone else says. I have my own opinion so im not like him. Cassius is the leader because he can get people to follow him. I can not do that. Josh Reeves

Anonymous said...

Tamara Price
I don't really like Brutus in ACT I. Like everyone has said, he seems to be easily persuaded by other people. I think I could be like him in a way because I get persuaded by others very easily and I like to follow people, not always be the leader. Cassius seems pretty straight forward becuase he said he was born to be a leader. I think that Cassius would be the leader of the conspiracy against Caesar because he thinks he was born to be a leader and he 'walk-all-over' people and he doesn't get told what to do. He tries to control people's actions by getting into their head. ACT 1 Scene 2, lines: 56-64

Anonymous said...

Matthew Kilgore
It seems that Brutus is easily convinced he is undecided about people and cant choose sides. On page 850 him and Cassius are talkig about if they are with or against Caesar and Brutus doesn't know while Cassius is trying to get him to pick his side. He is a good guy in all of the passage he doesn't seem to want anyone hurt unlike Cassius. Cassius is a good leader he can try to get others on his side and win them over with his words. Cassius doesn't like others having more power than him on page 852 it shows that in lines 135-160. From reading so far I think Cassius would be the leader.

Anonymous said...

Ashley Whisenant
I think that Brutus is easily persuaded. Cassius flatters Brutus into thinking that he is as equal as Ceasar.I think that Cassius is going to be the one to conspire against Ceasar. I think this because in lines 304-318.I'm pretty sure he is going to write a fake letter to Brutus, pretending to be the citizens, saying that they support Brutus. I don't think im like Brutus, because I am not easily persuaded.

Anonymous said...

Emily Pilot
In Act 1 I think Brutus is confused and then misguided by Cassius, where his mind was before was better then where Cassius led it. There are so many other ways to gain someones help then to brown nose then and then say the enemy was jealous and wanted you dead even if it is true. Brutus is not strongly opinionated as far as I can see. Also he is not confident in himself but also is indecisive but beneficent as well. He is against Caesar wanting all the power but is not against Caesar himself. I feel like I'm a little similar to Brutus I'm not always for many things but I'm not against them although I am very strong minded. Cassius is more like me I would end up being the head of the plot, because I'm so hardheaded and unwilling to be ruled by a singular power. If I had to guess who would lead the plot against Caesar I think it would be Cassius because Cassius seems more against him then Brutus. For example Brutus says "I would not want him king" but then goes on to say " yet I love him well". Now you tell me that's not indecisive.

Anonymous said...

Nathan Leaphart
Brutus is really scatter-brained and confused. He is unable to form an opinion about controversial topics. Cassius and his "serpent tongue" were able to point Brutus to their side. You can tell Brutus is confused by reading Lines 36-47. To summarize this section of lines, read Line 46 where Brutus says,"... Than that poor Brutus, with himself at war..." I'm not like Brutus, because I'm usually not absent-minded. I can't really say for myself if I'm able to easily persuade people, for that answer you should ask other people that know me. So, I'm not really sure if I'm like Cassius or not. I think that Brutus will become the leader. I predict that Caesar will do something that opposes Brutus' morals and he will become the leader of the conspiracy. Sometimes, the leaders are not even as fanatic as the followers. I think Cassius will make a monster. There are no real concrete lines to support this theory yet, but I'm sticking to it.

Dillon Holzheimer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Jessica Binion
Brutus is easily persuaded and has a uneasy mind set. i think i like Brutus because i only want to do the right thing and sometimes i cant make up my mind on what to do. i think Cassius is going to be the leader because he hates Caesar and already wants to get rid of him and he knows he is weak and shouldn't be a leader or "god." lines 90-131.

Anonymous said...

Will Overton
Brutus is indecisive about whether he is for or against Caesar. This would make persuading him easy, it also seems like he wants what is best for everyone. Cassius is one of those people who gets an idea and never makes a plan for it but sees who else agrees. I can be like brutus at times, because I cannot decide on something. I am also like Cassius, because I ask people what their opinion is about something and try to persuade them to my opinion. I think Brutus is going to be the leader; he seems like he want what is best for the people, and that is to get rid of Caesar.

Anonymous said...

I think that Brutus doesn't really know what he wants with Caesar. Brutus was easily convinced by Cassius that he should be higher than Caesar. I would probually be more like Brutus. It would be very easy to convince me of something, or that I should be king back in their time. I wouldn't be a Cassius, I'm not good with words. I would guess Cassius because it seems he is trying to get Brutus to maybe join the conspiracy.
Patrick Price

Dillon Holzheimer said...

Dillon Holzheimer
Brutus is easily pressured into saying something. An example of this in in line 78-80 and 132-134 after Cassius's long persuasive speach, he got Brutus to think like him but on line 82 after Brutus went back to siding with Ceasar. I am not like Brutus because I am not easily persuaded. Cassius is the Charismatic leader who can get anybody on his side. After his persuasive speaches in lines 66-78 and 90-131, he got Brutus to side with him against Caesar. I am somewhat like Cassius because i Can persuade people to think like I do on topics that I care about but I would never plot to kill someone.

Anonymous said...

Alexis Ricard
Brutus has obviously been hiding something and is easily persuaded into doing what others want. He is kind of nosey also he always wants to know what is happening to Ceasar. In some ways I am like Brutus, im nosey. But, in others im like Cassius. I am not easily persuaded but I do tend to persuade others. I would choose Cassius as the leader of the conspiracy because he is persuading Brutus and Brutus just seams to dimwitted. In lines 48-51 Cassius is telling Brutus about how smart he is and he has great ideas. In lines 175-177 Casssius is saying that he knows Brutus understands what he is saying but it is up to Brutus to help him finish some buissness.

Anonymous said...

Gibb Stuckey
i think that brutus is really just being played by Cassius

Anonymous said...

I feel Brutus is skeptical about Caeser and easily persuaded. No, I am not like Brutus or Cassius, because i stand for what I believe is right and I don't lour peopel to like or dislike something or someone. I believe that Casius will be the leader of the conspiracy beacause he already show leadership skills by using the power of persuasion on Brutus against Caseser. Lines 90-131
-Ayanna Wigfall

Anonymous said...

Catalina Zavala
I feel that Brutus is very uncertain of his thoughts, which I think is part of the reason why he was easily swayed, by Cassius, on his views of Caesar. I think that Brutus is very noble, respectful, and honorable. (Lines 85-89). I think I'm more like Brutus, I'm somewhat easily persuaded if the persuader has a good argument. If I had to choose which one would be the leader, I think it would be Brutus. Maybe Cassius will brainwash Brutus enough, with his well thought-out reasons and explanations, that Brutus will be converted into a conspirator.

Anonymous said...

Morgan Mims
I think that Brutus is a person that people can easily persuade to do something. He seemed very easily persuaded by Cassius when he was talking about how their names are just the same and that he has heard people saying that they think Brutus should be of higher ranking than Caesar. I think I may be like Brutus in some ways, I think that I am a very easy person to persuade, if it isn't anything that will harm myself or other people. I don't think I am like Cassius in anyway, I would not try to persuade my friends to do something to harm someone. Cassius, because he seems like the one who isn't afraid to get in trouble and he really doesn't like Caesar. I think Brutus is a little like a "scaredy cat" because Brutus is a little like me, he easily follows other people.

Anonymous said...

Garrett Chassereau
Brutus seems really gullible. Brutus is kinda like a laid back fellow. Whatever anybody says he seems to believe it. I kinda am like Brutus but I kinda am not. Its the same with Cassius I kinda am like him but i kinda am not. Cassius would definitely be the leader, because he has all the events played out.

Anonymous said...

I feel that Brutus is persuaded very easily beacause all Caesar had to say to him was that the people think that you could be a lot higher in class and that he could be better than Caesar. That made Brutus get really cocky about himself just by Cassius saying that. I am not like Brutus in any way because I am not easily persuaded. To get me to do something or believe in something then you are going to have to give me a lot of informoration and where you got it from. Cassius would have to be the leader of the group agiainst Caesar beacause he is talking to people and trying to get them to go against Caesar so he will not have ultimate power.

Mackenzie Carpenter said...

I didn't really like Brutus in Act 1, Scene 2. He seems like a pushover and he's easily persuaded. Brutus is more of a follower and he's a people pleaser which is why hes so conflicted about whether he likes Caesar or not. In a way I guess I can be like Brutus bcause I can be more of a follower than a leader at times. Cassius seems like the jealous type and he's very manipulative, he likes using people to get what he wants. I can also be like Cassius sometimes because I tend to try to persaude people into doing something I want done. I think Cassius will be the leader of the conspiracy, he really doesnt like Caesar. He is already trying to get people to join him. In lines 110-118 on page 851 it shows how Cassius thinks Caesar is overrated. Cassius believes that Caesar is weak and that he needs to lose some of his power.

Anonymous said...

Monecia Bryant
A lot of people said that they think Brutus is easily persuaded but I disagree in a way. I think he is persuaded but he's only agreeing with Cassius because he is unsure about the way he feels towards Caesar, like in Act 1 scene 2 line 79. He says "I do fear the people have choose Caesar for their king." then in the very next lines he says how he loves Caesar. It's easier for someone to go along or agree with another person or idea when they don't have a strong opinion about the suject themself, and that's why I think Brutus didn't argue about joining with Cassius. I think I am more like Cassius more than Brutus, because unlike Brutus I usually have an opinion about everything and try to get people to agree with me ,like Cassius. I also believe that Cassius will be the leader of the conspiracy, because he already has some plan against Caesar

Anonymous said...

Carter Tetanich
I think Brutus is easy to pursuade. I feel this way because Cassius only talked to him for a few minutes but in that short amount of time he convinced Brutus that Caesar is no better than he is. I dont think i am much like Brutus because it takes a lot for people to pursuade me to do something. I do think that i have something in common with Cassius because i am a good pursuader. I say that Cassius would be leader because he is 100 percent sure he doesnt want Caesar to be ruler but Brutus is still deciding on what he is going to do, like in act 1, scene 2 lines 78-79 when Brutus says he fears that the people have choose Ceaser for there king and on line 82 when Brutus says Yet i love him well.

Anonymous said...

Josh Swearingen
Brutus cannot make up on his mind about Caeser. He seems to like Caeser as a friend but feels like he is abusing his power. Cassius is a very persuasive and manipulatve guy. He seems like he would do anything just to get Brutus on his side. Cassius tries to flatter Brutus, but Brutus is smart enough to tell that Cassius is plotting against Caeser. Cassius tries to demote Caeser to make him appear weak. I can relate to Brutus because sometimes I am on he fence about stuff, and sometimes can be easily persuadid. Cassius is very manipulative, which sometimes I can be, but I'm not nearly as good as Cassius. Cassius seems to be the leader because he seems as if he wants to take charge and lead a revolt against Caeser, while Brutus is indecisive about it.

Anonymous said...

Caitlyn Taylor
In ACT 1 Brutus seems to just agree with what people say and doesn't like to be in the middle of things because he is so indecisive. Like everyone has said, he was way too easy to convince. He showed this in lines 78-79 saying he does not want Caesar for king and in line 81 saying he loves him well. That's what made him such an easy target for Cassius. I would most definitley say Cassius would be the leader of the conspiracy against Caesar because he's good with words and seems to have an easy time persuading people to go along with him, while Brutus doesn't even know what side he's on. I can be like both Cassius and Brutus, although I'm probably more like Brutus because I seem to have a hard time making up my mind about a lot of things.

Anonymous said...

Haven Hendrix
So far I feel Brutus is a push over in some since, becuase he doesn't really stand up for the fact he likes Caesar. Instead he just lets Cassius persuade him into thinking he is better for the job than Caesar. I feel Brutus is a very indecisive person he can't decide if he likes or dislikes Caesar. I am relate to Brutus in this way I am a very indecisive person I don't do good making decissions. Although like Cassius I am a very persuasive person. I believe Cassius would be the leader of the conspracy against Caesar becuase from first impreesions he seemed to not like Caesar more and he also seemed like more of a leader than Brutus. Cassius reminded me somewhat of a politician just by the way he speaks in lines 135-141.

Anonymous said...

Caitlyn Sheppard
I think Brutus is by no means a laeder, he's deffinantly a follower and very undecisive about whether he is for or against Caesar but he does want what is best for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Caitlin Herron
I didn't really like Brutus because he couldn't decide wheather he was for Caesar or against him. He was easily persuaded. I think I am like Brutus sometimes because I can like someone and then if I hear they did something bad I will not like them anymore. No I do not think I am like Cassius. I would not persuade someone because I believe in it. I would not brown nose them into thinking how I think. Cassius because he is positive about his hatred toward Caesar and Brutus isn't sure about him. Brutus says "I do fear the people will choose Caesar for their king" then he says "Yet I love him". This shows how he has contradicting feelings for him.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Espinoza
In act I, I feel that Brutus is very easily persuaded and that he just kind of goes with the flow. A characteristic I think Brutus exhibits is that his mind is not easily set. Lines 78-79 (Pg. 850) and lines 82 (Pg. 850)demonstrate this. I could relate to Brutus because I too sometimes "go with the flow". I wouldn't relate to Cassius because I usually do not persuade people to do things that I want. With out a doubt I would guess that Cassius would lead the conspiracy against Caesar. With the evidence so far I believe that Cassius has the strongest feelings against Caesar.

Anonymous said...

Kaitlin Phillips says...

Brutus bugs me, to be quite honest. He's rather easily persuaded, and with enough help he's likely to give into the flattery and try and go against Caesar. Of course, I don't think he'll do it alone. Cassius is more likely to be the brains behind it all, and let Brutus take the blame when the time comes. He'll take the wrap if the outcome is good, but blame Brutus if the outcome is bad. Because, you notice, especially in lines 135-141, he's trying to convince Brutus he's just as good, if not better, than Caesar. Why couldn't Cassius just do it himself? Because he needs someone to take the blame. In a way, I suppose I could be like both of them though. If someone was flattering me and telling me all that nice stuff, I probably would be "Ms. Bigpants," whether I meant it to happen or not, it would all go to my head. I think I'm a bit like Cassius as well, as when I need someone to do soemthing for me, I can easily convince them to do it by telling them good things about themselves.

Trey Johnson said...

Brutus seems very soft-spoken and doesn't really have his own opinion. It seems that Caesar might have earlier made Brutus feel good and say some nice things to him that would make him support Caesar. Eventually I think that Brutus will join Cassius in his attempt to bring Caesar down. Brutus seems like a few people I know that always jump on the bandwagon as soon as other people think one way or another. He reminds me of myself sometimes when I think of sports because I normally support the best team or the team with a really strong player. I can tell that when Cassius was a young boy he normally got what he wanted when he wanted it and that pattern carried over into being a senator of Rome. He also has a very persuasive tongue and it has apparently worked before because as soon as Caesar was out of earshot, he had a plan to make Brutus think the same way as he did. He notices it didn't work the first time so he came up with another plan to convert him to a believer. Cassius is a very smart and clever man. Most people in power have to break a few fingers and step on a few toes figuratively and literally. After his first plan didn't work he relied on his cleverness to trick Brutus into thinking that other leaders felt he should have either the same amount or even more power then Caesar. This shows he was also very deceitful. I have been told that I have been very deceitful in the past and that I am very persuasive when I want something done. Eventually I think that Brutus will lead the assassination of Caesar.

Anonymous said...

Brooke Tager
I feel that Brutus is really a push over and a passive person. He shouldn't let Cassius get into his head and tell him that all of the common people think he is better than Caesar. In lines 140-145, Cassius states that Caesar is only so powerful because of his name, and says that Brutus is just as equal as Caesar. I think that Cassius will be the leader of conspiracy because of his hatred of Caesar. He is already trying to get people on his side to hate Caesar along with him.

Anonymous said...

jr Nava
Brutus seems like a character who will be easily manipulated by other characters.i am more like Cassius than Brutus because i'm not easily persuaded into doing something but can get people to do what i want when i want. I Think Cassius will be the leader since he already is leading a conspiracy against Ceaser. in lines 135 to 161 is all about how Cassius thinks Ceaser should't have all the power he has.

Anonymous said...

Jessica Veronee
In Act 1, I feel that Brutus is a passive kind of person. He doesn't know how to make up his mind and stand firm in what he believes. This is a reason why Cassius manipulates him. I feel that I am like Brutus at times because I can be a passive type of person and feed off of others. Cassius, on the other hand I am not like because I try my best not to talk negatively about or to manipulate people. I predict that Brutus will be the leader the conspriacy because in lines 182-188 on page 854 it seems to me like Brutus is kind of following the way of Cassius and more on his side. Also, i feel this way because i think that Cassius won't stop persuading Brutus until he in on board with the plot to kill Caesar.

Anonymous said...

Haley Holman

Brutus in this act and scene was very easily persuaded. Like most high school kids and myself he falls for almost anything. However, Cassius is very strong in what he believes and stands up for it. I feel Cassius will not give up until he has Brutus in the conspiracy and is ready to kill Caesar.

Anonymous said...

Brutus seems easily persuaded, && easy to convince . He exhibits weak character because he is so easily persuaded by letting Cassius tell him he should be a higher power than Caesar . I would think Cassius is the leader of the conspiracy . I would choose him because he is trying to persuade Brutus .
- Megan Jumer

Anonymous said...

Marcus Weeks
I feel that Brutus is persuaded very easily beacause all Caesar had to say to him was that the people think that you could be a lot higher in class and that he could be better than Caesar. That made Brutus get really cocky about himself just by Cassius saying that. I am not like Brutus in any way because I am not easily persuaded. To get me to do something or believe in something then you are going to have to give me a lot of informoration and where you got it from. Cassius would have to be the leader of the group agiainst Caesar beacause he is talking to people and trying to get them to go against Caesar so he will not have ultimate power.

Savannah Smith said...

I feel that Brutus in ACT I is really trying to do the right thing…or at least what he thinks is right. I think that he is easily persuaded when he is presented with something that he wants to hear. In some ways I do think that I am like Brutus because I can be persuaded by people if they use the right words or play with my emotions. But, I can also be like Cassius….in my group of friends I seem to be a leader in contrast I am a follower around people I’m not really comfortable with and people that don’t really know me. I believe that Cassius is going to be the leader of the conspiracy against Caesar because in ACTI Scene ii pg. 845 (l.179-181) Cassius tells Brutus “As they pass by, pluck Casca by the sleeve, and he will tell you what hath proceeded worthy note today.” Cassius is telling Brutus what to do and Brutus obeys him. Then in ACTI Scene ii pg. 858-859 (l.304-318) Cassius is saying that if his words alone won’t convince Brutus to join the conspiracy that he will write letter from the ‘people of Rome’ telling him how amazing Brutus is and that will convince him to join.

Anonymous said...

Austin Wise:
I feel that Brutus is confused and very easily persuaded, and he lets Cassius totally manipulate him. I'm like Brutus in some ways because I let people talk me into doing a lot of things. I think Brutus will end up the leader because Cassius tells him he is a born leader, and that he should have the crown. I think that Brutus will start to think really high of himself, and soon he will take charge.