Monday, September 26, 2011

ACT IV-Using words and context

Find a word, phrase or passage from ACT IV where Shakespeare uses a new word or uses a word in a different way that what you have always used it or heard it. Be sure NOT to use words that have sidenotes where they can be easily defined for you.  Tell what lines and page number and then give a brief explanation/definition of the word as you understand it. Then use the word correctly in a new sentence that you write.  (First come. first served: once a word is taken it is taken. Be sure to put the word in ALL CAPS in your post so it will stand out in your response.)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

ACT III Antony

How does Antony use persuasive techniques in his dealings with the crowd at Caesar's funeral? What do you think was the most persuasive thing that Antony did or said to win the crowd over? People often use emotional appeals (pathos) to persuade. Why do you think that works well?  How did Antony play to the people's emotions? What happens sometimes when people play to emotions too often? Give a specific example from your own experiences.

Friday, September 16, 2011

ACT II-Julius Caesar

How is Caesar a complex character?  Would you say that he seems to be dynamic, meaning he changes a lot? If so, how? How do you feel about him personally? Do you think he really is capable of being a tyrant and ruling harshly or do you feel some sympathy for him, knowing that the conspirators have plotted to kill him behind his back?  Explain your feelings and use support from the text as evidence.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Brutus-ACT I

How do you feel about Brutus in ACT I? Provide some characteristics that you feel he exhibits. Are you like Brutus in anyway? What about Cassius? If you had to guess which one of these men would be the leader of the conspiracy against Ceasar, which one would you chose and why? Be sure to provide evidence from the ACT (specific lines) to justify your opinions.